COOPID EU Empowers Primary Producers with Successful Workshop Events

European Union-funded COOPID project supports sustainable agriculture practices, market access, and value chains for primary producers In 2021 the Circular Bioeconomy Research Group initiated a collaboration with 10 other partners from across Europe, known as the COOPID project, to develop and exchange knowledge among European primary producers (farmers, foresters, fishers, etc.), with special emphasis on […]
InformBio 1st year meeting at MTU Kerry!

News & Events InformBio 1st year meeting at MTU Kerry! Partners Teagasc, University of Galway, CSO and CircBio group from MTU met the past 3rd of April 2023, the InformBio team met at MTU Kerry North Campus in Tralee to celebrate the first year of the project. InformBio project is a DAFM funded project aiming […]
MainstreamBIO: 2nd Project Meeting

MainstreamBio Partners 2nd Project meeting at Nimbus Research Centre, MTU Cork “MainstreamBIO sets out to get small-scale bio-based solutions into mainstream practice across 7 EU rural regions (NL, PL, DK, SE, BG, ES, IE), by establishing regional Multi-actor Innovation Platforms (MIPs) each with a variety of feedstocks, infrastructure, and expertise, in the aim of co-creating sustainable […]
Feirmeoir, Bia agus Chef!

As part of the agroBRIDGES project, CircBio (MTU Kerry) and Teagasc organised a local food cooking competition in Airfield Estate.
ROBIN Project Meeting

“ROBIN aims to empower Europe’s regions to adapt their governance models and structures in ways that accelerate the achievement of their circular bioeconomy targets while promoting social innovation and accounting for different territorial contexts.” ROBIN’s 2nd Project Meeting was recently held in Seville, Spain. Hosted expertly by project partners the Technological Corporation of Andalusia and […]
CircBio welcomes 3 million investment in Green Biorefinery

Minister for Agriculture, Food, and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, and Minister of State with special responsibility for research and innovation, Martin Heydon, announced a €3 million investment in an integrated anaerobic digestion and green biorefining demonstration initiative. The funding has been jointly awarded to University College Dublin (UCD) and Munster Technological University (MTU) for the […]
Fourth Bio4Africa meeting

The 4th Bio4AFRICA meeting was organised by CIRAD in Montpellier, France, in a hybrid format from 1st to 3rd February 2023. The meeting was attended by representatives from all members of the project’s consortium. 34 participants met in France in person and 16 attended online. During the first 2 days of the meeting, the partners […]
First in-person COOPID General Assembly meeting

The 12 partner organizations of the European Union “Horizon 2020”-funded COOPID project met in Madrid, Spain at the offices of project coordinator Cooperativas Agroalimentarias de España, for the second project General Assembly meeting. This meeting was a special one for all involved as it was the first in-person meeting of the project partners since the inception of […]
The BIObec consortium meeting in Seville

The BIObec project recently held a plenary meeting in Seville, which was organised in a hybrid format to accommodate all consortium partners. The on-site meetings brought together partners from across Europe to discuss the progress of the project and to plan for the next steps. The meeting, which lasted for two days, was focused on […]
The Irish Agropreneur series