
Integrated Framework for Mapping, Modelling and Monitoring Ireland’s Bioeconomy


Led by MTU, in collaboration with Teagasc, University of Galway and the CSO, INFORMBIO will support preparations for a bioeconomy observatory for a sustainable and circular bioeconomy. The project will deliver a Bioeconomy Foresight Analysis providing a clear roadmap for Ireland towards a sustainable bioeconomy, along with the tools to rigorously measure progress towards this objective.

INFORMBIO combines data-driven research, analysis and modelling with input from expert thematic groups, ensuring robust and informed outcomes for industry, policy makers and other relevant groups. By integrating biomass mapping, value-chain analysis, life-cycle assessment and scenario modelling, the project, for the first time, attempts to quantify the potential of the bioeconomy to contribute to Ireland’s climate and sustainability targets.

Moreover, the project positions Ireland as a front-runner among EU member states, by developing a prototype national bioeconomy monitoring system, enabling Ireland to track the development and progress of the bioeconomy against key bioeconomy indicators.


  • Quantifying the regional distribution of biological raw materials taking into account accessibility constraints (temporal availability, existing uses, economic and environmental constraints) using a bioresource modelling tool
  • Developing a catalogue of feedstock-specific biobased value chain opportunities for Ireland’s bioeconomy, and screening these with stakeholder input to identify highest potential value chain opportunities
  • Analyzing the feasibility of prioritized value chains through stakeholder mapping, techno-economic assessment and market analysis
  • Using attributional and consequential LCA approaches to assess the environmental impact of prioritized value chains, including impacts on land use management and to conduct quantitative scenario modelling, using a backcasting approach, to understand the scenarios with highest potential to support Ireland in meeting its climate, environmental and sustainable development targets
  • Preparing a Foresight Analysis for Ireland’s bioeconomy using outputs from the above steps 1-4
  • Designing a prototype bioeconomy monitoring system, in collaboration with the Central Statistics Office, for measuring and analyzing progress in Ireland’s bioeconomy, informed by the ongoing work of thematic network partners including the EU Joint Research Centre and partners of the BIOMONITOR project
  • Mapping existing relevant national data to bioeconomy indicators within the bioeconomy monitoring system
  • Creating a prototype bioeconomy monitoring dashboard to allow users to access and visualize bioeconomy data
  • Conducting a GAP analysis, alongside the CSO, to understand additional data requirements and providing recommendations towards a more comprehensive bioeconomy monitoring system
  • Exploiting the bioeconomy monitoring system, foresight analysis and other project outputs, through intensive engagement activities with key thematic network stakeholders
  • Dissemination of key project outputs to the wider public

Project details

Duration: 4 years

Funding: Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, €996,429.91


  • Munster Technological University
  • Teagasc
  • University of Galway
  • Central Statistics Office