
CircBio, through it’s collaborative research activities, is active in development of peer-reviewed publications in a broad range of areas from technologies and products, to socio-economics and policy, to sustainability. You can access some of our publications below.

Gaffey, J., Collins, M.N. and Styles, D., 2024.

Review of methodological decisions in life cycle assessment (LCA) of biorefinery systems across feedstock categories. 

 Journal of Environmental Management, 358, p.120813.

Tripathi, M., Diwan, D., Shukla, A.C., Gaffey, J., Pathak, N., Dashora, K., Pandey, A., Sharma, M., Guleria, S., Varjani, S. and Nguyen, Q.D., 2023.

Valorization of dragon fruit waste to value-added bioproducts and formulations: A review. 

Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, pp.1-19.

Gaffey, J., O’Donovan, C., Murphy, D., O’Connor, T., Walsh, D., Vergara, L.A., Donkor, K., Gottumukkala, L., Koopmans, S., Buckley, E. and O’Connor, K., 2023.

Synergetic Benefits for a Pig Farm and Local Bioeconomy Development from Extended Green Biorefinery Value Chains. 

Sustainability, 15(11), p.8692.

Velidandi, A., Gandam, P.K., Chinta, M.L., Konakanchi, S., reddy Bhavanam, A., Baadhe, R.R., Sharma, M., Gaffey, J., Nguyen, Q.D. and Gupta, V.K., 2023.

State-of-the-art and future directions of machine learning for biomass characterization and for sustainable biorefinery. 

Journal of Energy Chemistry, 81, pp.42-63.

Gaffey, J., Rajauria, G., McMahon, H., Ravindran, R., Dominguez, C., Ambye-Jensen, M., Souza, M.F., Meers, E., Aragonés, M.M., Skunca, D. and Sanders, J.P., 2023.

Green Biorefinery systems for the production of climate-smart sustainable products from grasses, legumes and green crop residues.

Biotechnology Advances, 66, p.108168.

Aleksandra Augustyniak, Davide Gottardi, Barbara Giordani, James Gaffey, Helena Mc Mahon. 2023.

Dairy bioactives and functional ingredients with skin health benefits

Journal of Functional Foods 104: 105528

Karuppusamy, S., Rajauria, G., Fitzpatrick, S., Lyons, H., McMahon, H., Curtin, J., Tiwari, B.K. and O’Donnell, C. 2022.

Biological Properties and Health-Promoting Functions of Laminarin: A Comprehensive Review of Preclinical and Clinical Studies.

Marine. Drugs  20(12): 772

Serra, E., Lynch, M.B., Gaffey, J., Sanders, J.P.M., Koopmans, S., Markiewicz-Keszycka, M., Bock, M.H., McKay, Z.C. and Pierce, K.M., 2022.

Biorefined press cake silage as feed source for dairy cows: effect on milk production and composition, rumen fermentation, nitrogen and phosphorus excretion and in vitro methane production.

Livestock Science, p.105135.

Amiri, H., Aghbashlo, M., Sharma, M., Gaffey, J., Manning, L., Moosavi Basri, S.M., Kennedy, J.F., Gupta, V.K. and Tabatabaei, M., 2022.

Chitin and chitosan derived from crustacean waste valorization streams can support food systems and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Nature Food3(10), pp.822-828.

Attard, T.M., Goodwin, C., Nalivaika, P., Attard, J., Budarin, V., Lanot, A., Bove, D., Clark, J. and McElroy, C.R., 2022.

Simple, quick and green isolation of cannabinoids from complex natural product extracts using sustainable mesoporous materials (Starbon®).

Materials Chemistry Frontiers.

O’Connor, T., Kleemann, R. and Attard, J., 2022.

Vulnerable vegetables and efficient fishers: A study of primary production food losses and waste in Ireland.

Journal of Environmental Management, 307, p.114498.

Amanda Cristina Campos Antoniêto, Karoline Maria Vieira Nogueira, Vanessa Mendes, David Batista Maués, Letícia Harumi Oshiquiri, Hermano Zenaide-Neto, Renato Graciano de Paula, James Gaffey, Meisam Tabatabaei, Vijai Kumar Gupta, Roberto Nascimento Silva (2022).

Use of carbohydrate-directed enzymes for the potential exploitation of sugarcane bagasse to obtain value-added biotechnological products

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 221, Pages 456-471

Marta Macias Aragonés, Carmen Girón Domínguez, Petra Ondrejíčková, Fátima Arroyo Torralvod (2022).

Bioenergy production side-streams availability assessment as decision making driver for sustainable valorisation technologies development. Case study: Bioethanol and biodiesel industries

Volume 8, November 2022, Pages 6856-6865

Gaffey, J., McMahon, H., Marsh, E., Vehmas, K., Kymäläinen, T. and Vos, J., (2021).

Understanding consumer perspectives of bio-based products — A comparative case study from Ireland and The Netherlands.

Sustainability, 13(11), p.6062.

Gaffey, J., McMahon, H., Marsh, E. and Vos, J., (2021).

Switching to Biobased Products – The Brand Owner Perspective.

Industrial Biotechnology, 17(3), pp.109-116.

Usmani, Z., Sharma, M., Gaffey, J., Sharma, M., Dewhurst, R.J., Moreau, B., Newbold, J., Clark, W., Thakur, V.K. and Gupta, V.K., (2021).

Valorization of dairy waste and by-products through microbial bioprocesses.

Bioresource Technology, p.126444.

Attard, J., McMahon, H., Doody, P., Belfrage, J., Clark, C., Anda Ugarte, J., Pérez-Camacho, M.N., Cuenca Martin, M.D.S., Giraldez Morales, A.J. and Gaffey, J., (2020).

Mapping and analysis of biomass supply chains in Andalusia and the Republic of Ireland.

Sustainability, 12(11), p.4595.

Ravindran, R., Koopmans, S., Sanders, J.P., McMahon, H. and Gaffey, J., 2021.

Production of Green Biorefinery Protein Concentrate Derived from Perennial Ryegrass as an Alternative Feed for Pigs.

Clean Technologies, 3(3), pp.656-669

Ravindran, R., Donkor, K., Gottumukkala, L., Menon, A., Guneratnam, A.J., McMahon, H., Koopmans, S., Sanders, J.P. and Gaffey, J., 2022.

Biogas, Biomethane and Digestate Potential of By-Products from Green Biorefinery Systems.

Clean Technologies, 4(1), pp.35-50.

Hand, A., Menon, A., Holloway , P., Marsh, E.,O’Dwyer, B., McMahon, H., Gaffey, J.

“Co-Design, Economic and Spatial Analysis of Green Biorefineries – An Irish Case Study”.

EUBCE Conference 2022.

Sanders, J., Koopmans, S., Gaffey, J. (2020)

“Biorefinery leads to increased fertiliser efficiency and land use efficiency and to better incomes for agriculture”

International Symposium on The Practice and Benefits of Circular Agriculture in Waste Reduing and Recycling 2020, 5 November, 2020.

Serra, E., Lynch, M.B.,  Bock, M., Gaffey, J., Sanders, J.P.M., Koopmans, S., Pierce, K (2020)

“Effect of feeding press cake silage as  replacement for high quality grass silage on milk production”

EAAP Annual Meeting 2020, 1 December 2020.

Macias Aragonés, M., de la Viña Nieto, G., Nieto Fajardo, M., Páez Rodríguez, D., Gaffey, J., Attard, J., McMahon, H., Doody, P., Anda Ugarte, J., Pérez-Camacho, M. and Cuenca Martín, M., (2020).

Digital innovation hubs as a tool for boosting biomass valorisation in regional bioeconomies: Andalusian and South-East Irish case studies.

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(4), p.115.

Cabeza, C., Gaffey, J., Hendriks, K., Hatvani, N., Lambrecht, E., Welck, H., (2019)

Potential of biomass sidestreams for a sustainable biobased economy.